"You sound like you're getting sick. Make sure to get plenty of vitamin C." Everybody has heard that before. Most of us have no idea why vitamin C would help us to stay healthy, but we have quietly adopted it into our belief system. Supplements, orange juice, or fresh...
Making Waves Blog
Granny’s Cookies
When I was a kid, someone told me that each person is the very best at something. Because God created each of us in his image and yet totally unique, every person has something that they are able to do better than anyone else. God created mankind in his own image (Gen...
The Boots
This post is drawn from an entry in my private journal, dated August 2017.Sometimes I question if my life matters. Regardless of how hard I try, nothing appears to change. Dark forces seem to follow me, undo every good thing I've done, and target the people I love...
What If Jesus Couldn’t Read A Map?
Every family has quirky habits, strange preferences or rituals that defy understanding but are rigidly followed. I've been told that my family has more than its fair share. One of our strange habits is that when we are driving, we aren't allowed to turn around and...
Out With The Old
Leaving behind an old year and entering the next is a 3-step process at our house. Thank God for every blessing received in the past year. Bury the things that need left behind. Dream big about what is ahead. Each New Year's Eve, just after sunset, we focus on burying...
Thank You, Dennis
I have worked with Dennis Stone at Overhead Door for a long time. When he announced that his retirement would be effective at the end of 2018, I had mixed emotions.Dennis joined the company as President in February 2001. He was promoted to CEO a year later. He has...
The Impact of Tradition
In an age when tradition is falling out of fashion, I am learning to embrace my favorite parts of yesterday and carry their significance into tomorrow. I have a family tradition that is on my list of favorites. It started as unintentionally as a dropped acorn, but...
We All Have a Psalm Inside
One of the reasons the Bible is so captivating is because it was written by people who were living out the stories they wrote. It was written by shepherds, tent makers, kings, and cupbearers. They simply told their stories. Stories are most powerful when the author's...
Bible Come Alive – The 23rd Psalm
Life is full of ups and downs. Most of these are the minor fluctuations that keep us on our toes. But occasionally a profound tragedy or triumph stops us in our tracks and causes us to reevaluate our lives. When circumstances seem impossible, the 23rd Psalm calls out...
Pick Your Character
The holidays are coming! I'm looking forward to having a full house again. Holiday traditions are probably my favorite ones. Starting in November, our family regularly watches classic holiday movies and the new classics also. Before or after the big meals, we favor...
Tears That Bring Hope
All of us have something that our emotions can't deal with. For some people, it is childhood illness. For others, it may be mistreatment of animals, domestic abuse, or something else. When we are confronted with the struggles of those victims we try to deny it, then...
Unanswered Prayers
I grew up in Nashville and country music is part of my DNA. It's not the first thing you'll hear on my radio, but if you dig into my music library you'll find a lot of Willie, Hank Jr. and my favorite - the Man in Black. I also love Garth Brooks. When I hear the...