Making Waves Blog 

Open Road

If you read my last post, "Letting Go", you know it's been a couple of weeks since the kids moved out, and I started to mourn the passing of my time as a full-time parent. If you haven't read that, check it out! I still miss them, but I'm adjusting. I'm trying to...

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Letting Go

I've had a long month. It started when I moved my daughter into her studio apartment, where she starts her first grown-up job soon. It finished with me driving several hours across the state to drop off my son at college. The return trip home seemed much quieter...

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Breaking Free

Do you ever feel like you are stuck in the same bad dream? It's a dream where the family you grew up with treats you like an outcast. People you thought were your friends abandon you because your life is a mess. Your boss finds fault in everything you do. The constant...

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How I Met Jesus

If you've met Jesus, I hope you'll share your story. I'd love to hear it. If you haven't met him yet, I hope you will seek him. He promises you will find him.  This is my story. I grew up in the suburbs of Nashville in a traditional family. I was enrolled in a small,...

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A shiver ran through Patrick and he pulled his blanket tighter. The hard earth and cold night air reminded him that he was no longer as young as the men who slept around him. The campfire had burned to embers but there was no reason to rebuild it. They would be...

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Upside Down Advice

Sometimes the best advice in life seems upside down at first. Relationships are frequently like that. But if you want different results, you gotta change perspective. I always want more friends. You probably do too. I'm trying to get better at turning people I meet...

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Who Am I?

  After almost fifty years, God's plan for my life is becoming clear. It's not about me doing the right thing in the right place at the right time. He wants me to grow into my full potential. At the dawn of time, while the echo of the creator's voice could still be...

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Unconditional: Part 2

Why are kids hyper-critical of their parents when they will most likely spend the next twenty years becoming just like them? Back in college, my brother and I would get together with our fiancés and spend the weekend at my parent's home in Chattanooga. Part of...

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Unconditional: Part 1

Life is ironic. After a lifetime of struggles, I have finally found peace with my life, only to discover a greater fear of threats to my kids' lives. Their later teens and early twenties are rough on all of us. My daughter is our older child  and my biggest struggle...

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The Healer

Jagged and raw, my wound lays open. My senses become dull.  Nerves that should connect me to the world now scream and isolate me. Pain becomes my prison and I am alone.  I sit in the dark, curled into a ball, crying out without knowing if anyone hears. How long has it...

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You have been set free. You’re redeemed.

Our sins cause pain. The consequences of our choices stay with us - betrayal burns like a hot brand, harsh words pierce like an arrow and withheld love is a jagged cut. Gathered together they become too much to bear. In your darkest moment, when your despair is great...

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Our Family Legacy

All families have traditions they pass down from generation to generation. Ours is running the 400m. It’s something of a strange legacy to leave. When you are running, the pain is intense and you can only think of being done. However, it becomes part of your identity....

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