Which side are you on?

It is becoming clear that the COVID-19 pandemic is going to be with us a lot longer than anyone originally anticipated. In some way, it has touched every life.

In the United States, the latest reports indicate 1,350,000 infections and 80,000 deaths, with the totals still climbing. The April jobs reports tell us that over 20,000,000 Americans became unemployed in that single month alone, not counting partially furloughed people or small business owners.

Navigating through this mess is an impossible task. Using social media as a barometer of our temperament, it doesn’t seem that much of anyone is satisfied. There are angry rants about the human costs of isolation and demanding that we should open back up. There is an equal number of people criticizing the heartless pursuit of money while our neighbors continue to die. Video after video is pulled down from Facebook and YouTube because the sources are deemed maliciously false. Traditional news outlets receive the same assessment.

I have grown weary of the search for answers, mostly because the avid pursuers haven’t seemed to find joy or effectiveness in their pursuit. Right and wrong are complicated. In the end, only God knows or understands.

I had a great lunch at Red Robin on Friday with a friend of mine. He acknowledged that his “risk category” was high enough to be a cause for consideration. He also acknowledged that his employment in a brutalized industry made his job as tenuous as his health. He was excited though that he and his wife and been able to pull money from their savings to donate to a favorite cause and help their neighbors in need. He was a refreshing reminder that we have a cause, and it is higher than choosing a side.

In the book of Joshua, the Israelites were beginning their invasion of Canaan. Called by God to claim their birthright, they were conquering cities and killing all the inhabitants. Just like today, everyone who lived in the region must have been discussing the issue and choosing sides. Were they bloodthirsty savages or followers of the true God who was guiding their actions? Both arguments were compelling. Nobody was safe. Living in lockdown may result in becoming a victim. Boldly moving forward may have an equally devastating result.

As Joshua marched to do battle against the city of Jericho, he looked up and saw a powerful angel in front of him, sword drawn and ready for battle. Joshua challenged him, “Are you for us or for our enemies?” The commander of God’s army shook his head and said “Neither.” Then he instructed Joshua what to do next.

This angel was uninterested in the arguments that either side could make about the justification for their actions. He didn’t care to know “the truth” or even to project the outcome. The most powerful man on the field was the one who stood ready to serve the Lord, guiding His army to certain victory. All he needed to know was God’s instruction, which he would immediately carry out. He answered to a higher calling than kings or generals.

While I relaxed in my favorite recliner, slowly digesting my Royal Red Robin Burger and bottomless fries, I realized that my friend was a reflection of that angel. He is uninterested in choosing sides in the biggest conflict of our times. However, he stands armed with the weapon God gave to him and only cares about using it to honor the Lord. Aligned with no agenda other than God’s will, he is the most powerful player on the field.

The Bible never gives us the name of the angel in the brief story (Joshua 5:13-15). I am not going to reveal the name of my friend. Neither would want the recognition. Both are only interested that God’s will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

I am trying to learn to let go of my judgment of whether or not other people are making the best decisions. Instead, I hope to stand with my sword in my hand, ready for battle, focused on what I am asked to do, and complete that task with excellence. Part of no longer belonging to this world requires letting go of the circumstances and pursuing things that are eternal.

Life would have been much different for the Canaanites if they had let go of their thoughts about if the Israelites were right or wrong, justified or guilty. Every side they chose met with the same fate. It didn’t matter if they ignored the threat, banded together, sought peace, or attacked alone, they all died and disappeared. Imagine for a moment if they had instead turned their focus to God, thrown out their idols, repented of their sins, and pursued a relationship with Him. If Balak had embraced the prophecies of Balaam instead of insisting on curses against the Israelites, how great might the Moabites’ reward have been? Instead, they guarded what they had and were swept up in the destruction.

The Canaanite nations foolishly faced each other and debated the best course of action when they should have lifted their eyes to God. What if they had sent a group of delegates to ask Joshua to teach them about the powerful God who had performed so many miracles? That was their only path of rescue.

Many people today are looking to God for answers. Their hearts are open to eternal truths. Let us focus on their salvation, not our escape from the flames. That is the side we should choose.

The Re-Opening of America Begins

The Re-Opening of America Begins

This past Friday was May 1st, 2020. It will be remembered as the day our country began to reopen. State-by-state there are differences in definition of the reopening, but light has begun to crack through the grip COVID-19 has held over our planet. The threat is not extinguished, but for the first time in weeks and months, victory seems on the horizon.

Since the blessed day of our reopening fell on a Friday, Kim and I celebrated by going to dinner at Chili’s. The familiar, ice-cold, Blue Moon beer washed down our chips and salsa while I waited for my traditional buffalo-chicken salad. William stopped by our table to see if we needed anything. He told us how glad he was to come back to work even though they had hoped for a bigger turnout. Although it was still early, only two tables held customers.

I know that some people will rejoice that we were able to get out of the house while others will shake their fingers and call us irresponsible. That judgment seems to be a sign of our times.

Shouldn’t she be wearing a mask? Are they six feet apart? How much toilet paper does one person need? I hear Amazon is hiring, why don’t they get a job there?

The bar for decision-makers is set even higher. The president, governors, and mayors face an impossible balance of protecting our health and ensuring our economic survival, knowing that any path forward will include casualties on both sides. Business owners face the same dilemma – keep my essential business open and my team working, or close and protect their health while their paychecks disappear? Sleep escapes them as the weight of their responsibilities looms large.

Facebook, YouTube, the news, and personal conversations are full of people suddenly best-educated to shine a pathway forward as they sit back, protected from the consequences of their decisions, pointing out the specific failures of each stimulus provision, virus exposure, or plan for our future.

Grace seems to have taken a back seat.

I don’t know the right answer, but I do know people that are suffering on both sides. Two of my best friends are in their mid-60s and have diminished lung function. They pray for protection from a danger that is small enough to slip through any defense but is big enough to steal their lives. Other of my friends work in health care; they are the unsung heroes of our crisis. Their hours and income have been reduced but they are ineligible for much-coveted $1,200 payments because of the money they made in better times. They are working too much to qualify for unemployment, but not enough to pay their bills.

Our country cannot build its future on the stories of hardship. Hope is founded in our trust in a good God who cares for us. As we delicately care for the tiny flame of freedom that is spreading across our land, let’s provide the fuel it needs to grow into a mighty blaze that will shine His light as never before.

My dad reluctantly sheltered in place, still recovering from my mom’s passing into greatness. Even as he ached for connection, he faithfully closed himself behind closed doors. In His compassion, God found a way to bring someone special into his life. Pops has spent hundreds of hours exploring a new relationship and planning for better days ahead. After suffering enormous loss, he opened his heart for a new future. That’s the America I believe in.

Erin and Josh got married six months ago. The life they started to build together was shaken in ways that haven’t been seen in a hundred years. Prosperity evaporated like water in a drought. Instead of taking the world by storm, they have hidden in their small apartment. As their tax refunds and stimulus payments arrived though, they didn’t use it to console themselves with indulgences that temporarily numb the pain. Instead, they paid off their previous debts, breaking the chains of bondage as they focus on the promise that tomorrow holds. This season will end, and they are looking to tomorrow.

Kim and I have seen disaster threaten our friends, family, and community. I have told stories of picking the long lines at the grocery store because I like to check in on familiar faces during checkout. One of the brightest faces died unexpectedly while we locked down. The week she passed, I had chosen the longer line at her register to share a smile. Her obituary provided details that I had already learned from her. I miss her but I am so happy that I took every chance to share life with her while we had the time.

I treasure each handshake, friendly embrace, and smile more than ever before. Life is special and time is a gift. I am reminded that we should make every moment count and seize the days that we have. I see visions of Robin Williams in Dead Poet’s Society, leaning forward to speak to a crowd of emerging men, counseling them to “suck out all the marrow of life”. More than ever, I want to live like that.

Our country and our world have better days ahead. May we provide future generations with stories of rising above our situation and shining brightly in days of darkness. The flame of freedom has not been extinguished and this is our chance to guard it carefully.

We are not virus carriers. We are hope carriers.

Let’s go!

The Lockdown Continues – part 2

In my last post (The Lockdown Continues, part 1), I shared how frustrating lockdown can be and meant every word of it.

I am so tired of Facebook that I don’t ever want to see it again for 6 hours a day. There is nothing worth watching on Netflix now that I have seen it all. I’ve quit asking Kim “Did I ever tell you about the time…” because I’ve finally had the chance to share every detail of my entire life. I’m waiting for Erin to block my incoming calls because I beg her not to hang up yet. The dog has started to run excitedly to the door when I leave the house because he needs his “me time”.

Kim lost her job. James’s job was deemed non-essential. Erin is working restricted hours because sheltering in place doesn’t mean shopping for your next big project at Lowe’s. My company cut everyone’s pay by 20%.

Income is down, but bills are up in The Days of Quarantine, we got several thousand dollars of invoices for James’s emergency room visit (click here for that story). My lawnmower died. My glasses broke. I keep buying things on Amazon to replace the broken stuff that constantly pops up at the house.

It’s tough out there.

Even as I hear myself singing the blues, I realize how totally ridiculous it sounds. There are people out there who have serious problems, and I am not one of them.

I am fifty-one years old and have had a decades-long, successful career. Not only has that allowed me to put money in the bank, but my kids are now grown and flown. Kim and I talk about how to change our budget while we sit in a spacious living room. To combat loneliness, I set up video conferences with my family across the country on a laptop with high-speed internet.

So many people out there are really struggling while I am inconvenienced.

Families are confined to tight living quarters for weeks on end. Parents return home from exhausting shifts on their feet to attempt to homeschool their children. People stand in long lines at food banks discussing unemployment sites that are unresponsive, relief checks that won’t cover the rent, and fees charged because you don’t have money. Loving people have opened their homes to aging parents then had to walk away from their jobs to keep them safe. Debt becomes a battle that will last for years while dreams of buying a starter home fly out of reach in an instant.

Health care workers expose themselves to peril in order to save people they have never met. Police break up fights at free community dinners, unable to know the dark forces they defy. Our treasured elders await their fate in isolation, living in care facilities where the virus spreads like wildfire, never knowing if they will see their loved ones again.

It is tough out there, and the inequality is unfathomable.

My first days were focused on myself, finding my own peace in the storm. It is time to rise and act. My own words from two years ago ring in my ears, strengthening me to join the fight.

God calls me his beloved son. He proclaims that I am heir to his kingdom, that everything he has is mine, and that his spirit and power live in me. Through him, I can move the mountains his hands carved, heal sickness where he breathed life, and restore hope to a world he spoke into existence. He offers me his full authority. Yet I hesitate and await his specific instruction at every step. I kneel and ask when it is time to stand and act. I am not able to wield his full power, but neither am I a child with a wooden sword. – “Who Am I?” (click to read)

In times of shadowy darkness, light shatters despair, sickness, and isolation. The torch we lift high now is a beacon of hope to a world that otherwise waits for a flattened curve.

A day will come when we stand before our Savior, reflecting back on the battle we are currently facing. Although our memories of these events may have faded, he will remember them with perfect clarity. Our actions now will ring in our ears on that day.

We will ask “Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink?”

Jesus will remind us the faces of the lives he redeemed, standing in long lines waiting for food. He will thank us for generous donations that allow the Salvation Army to serve a hot meal, or the local food banks to give bags of groceries to families that are struggling to make ends meet.

We will ask “When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you?”

Jesus will tell the story of how we shared links to our online worship with our friends who were seeking hope. He will remind us how we donated the best of our clothes and shoes to our neighbors so that they could focus every dollar on paying their bills.

We will ask “When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?’”

Jesus will remind us of each phone call to a lonely person, imprisoned in their homes and the Facetime, Zoom, or WhatsApp that allowed our faces to reflect His own.

He will remind us how we made our stand as a pandemic ravaged the earth, serving his brothers and his sisters. We will be ushered into Paradise with his thanks for what we do now.

Today is the day and this is the time. I will release my focus on my discontent and rise to the chance I have been given. Sixty-five cents serves a hot meal through the Salvation Army. Half of that provides groceries for a meal through North Texas Food Bank (or your local pantry). The blessings that have been showered on me will flow to my neighbors.

I will rise above my awkwardness and reach out to my confined friends. The world may see me fail at a video call but through perseverance, love will shine into rooms I cannot enter.

I will not wait for a phased reopening of America. Today is my Day One.

If you want to donate to the Salvation Army, go to https://www.salvationarmydfw.org/p/locations/lewisville. You can read about the services they provide or click on Get Involved in the top menu bar to guide you on how to donate.

Local food banks abound. Use Google to find ones in your area. Some are open to everyone. Some focus on children. Let your heart be your guide. The need for isolation has caused all of them to cancel fundraising events and they need our help.

Not sure? Start with a conversation with your family.

Questions with Jesus based on Matthew 25 starting in verse 31.

The Lockdown Continues – part 1

In 1993, I was living in South Carolina when my family in Chattanooga got hammered by a freak snowstorm. Over 20″ fell and paralyzed the streets. The only exit from Mom and Dad’s home was up a long, ice-covered hill, so they (along with my brother, Preston) were stuck. They told terrifying stories about how they survived five straight days in near-total isolation, unable to leave the house.

I used to think that was a long time.

I am now in week #4 of my COVID-19 lockdown. The more optimistic talking heads tell me to expect another 2 weeks. The pessimistic ones just saw their shadows and are predicting 6 more weeks of shelter.

I am blessed to have a job four days per week, which is more than millions of Americans. I hold onto every ritual possible from the good-old-days when I could go into the office. Each morning, I get up, make coffee, read my Bible, have breakfast, shower and tell Kim goodbye before making my 12-second commute to the converted guest room that is now my office. At five o’clock, I walk to the front door, open it then shut it loudly and say “Kim, I’m home!” As far as work is concerned, I am holding onto the illusion that life is continuing as normal.

Non-working hours are another story. Kim and I binge-watched 40 episodes of Parks and Recreation on Netflix before I had to cut back because I started looking forward to them coming over to visit and hated it when they had to leave so soon. During especially slow times each day, I call the kids to ask them the world’s stupidest question, “Whatcha doin’?” Our highlight of the evening is sitting on the front patio hoping someone will walk their dog past our house. For distraction, I’ve started digging out a large stump in the back yard.

By the time this lockdown is over, I may never be the same.

On the flip side of the coin, I don’t know if I want to go back. This disaster has forced me to face realities that were previously easy to ignore. If going back means erasing my footsteps, then count me out.

Although I am gradually settling down and accepting my situation, I have been frustrated during The Great Isolation. I like my life the way I had it and have been agitated that somebody moved my cheese. I want to sit in my favorite booth at Chili’s on Friday nights. Small-group on the small screen is a lousy substitute for the real deal. People who play frisbee on the beach while I cut roots for fun are goobers. I hate wearing face masks that make my glasses steam up. There’s a long list of things that get on my nerves.

I had not previously noticed how frequently I get out of the house to interact with people, but I miss those chances now that they are gone. The office, church, and volunteer workdays are the most obvious, but even chatting with the checkout people at Walmart or my waiter at dinner. I miss the people and wish they were back. The more items the governor and local judges rule out, the more I feel that I have lost control.

I know that God is in control, but I’m not happy with it. I have twisted and squirmed and tried to escape like our dog, Tarzan, when we cut his toenails. No matter how hard I try to relax and be satisfied, I keep wishing for things to change.

One of the most quoted verses in the New Testament is Phillipians 4:13. It is often used in a different context from what Paul was saying, and it is better thought of as The Official Verse of Shelter-In-Place.

“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”

This famous line is normally used to claim victory before meeting a challenge head-on. That is a great application, it’s just not what Paul was talking about when he said it first.

Paul wrote this verse while he was social distancing. He was in the ultimate lockdown – prison. His friends at the church in Phillippi missed him and were worried about him. Instead of a pandemic, a great distance prevented them from seeing him, but the effect was the same. Their high-energy friend who never seemed to stop was suddenly shut down. Out of compassion for a friend suffering from loneliness, they sent him gifts and a message of encouragement.

Paul wrote his thank-you note to the Phillippians for their generosity and their concern for him. But he told them not to worry about him, that he would be all right.

I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” (Phi 4:12)

Paul never wanted to be on lockdown and he didn’t pretend that it was ideal. He missed seeing his friends, going out for great Italian food on a weeknight, and shopping for Birkenstocks at the mall.

Being isolated wasn’t his preference, but he told them not to worry because he was at peace. He was reassuring them “I can do this.” and reminded them that he was never alone because his Savior was with him, comforting and strengthening him even when he was otherwise completely alone.

Thirty years passed between Paul falling on the road to Damascus as a bright light surrounded him and when he woke up in prison and decided to write his friends a letter. Early on, I expect that he was just like me – impatient, frustrated, twisting to get away. But one day at a time, Jesus changed him. Gradually, his heart became content in every situation. As he approached the end of his life he could look up from his shelter-in-place and say “It’s OK. I got this. Jesus is with me.”

Unlike me when I tell people “God is in control, we are doing well.”, I believe that Paul was legitimately content in conditions much worse than mine. I hope to get that mindset too.

I hope the pandemic gives God the chance to soften my heart and teach me to slow down and to be happy with what I am given. One day at a time, I hope to discover Paul’s place of contentment.

Progress is slow, but it looks like I have lots of time.

Palm Sunday

Why is Palm Sunday relevant? If you Google “What is the significance of Palm Sunday?”, the first hit is one of the most common answers. According to Wikipedia, “It thus marks the beginning of Holy Week, the final week of Lent.”

To me, it is about challenging the expectations we have of Jesus. When Jesus made his triumphant entry into Jerusalem, everyone placed their expectations on him.

Imagine being a Jew at the time. The Roman government saw themselves as guarantors of freedom. No wars. Roads that allowed travel throughout the world. Laws that ensured citizens were treated fairly. But to a Jew, they were the opposite. Romans disregarded their holy law. Their taxes were crushing. If you fell out of line, their response was swift and brutal.

For the Jewish people, it was reminiscent of the oppression of the Egyptians. In that time, Moses was raised up to deliver them from bondage. The Jews throwing palm branches on the road knew the similarities to the man riding in.

Jesus was ordered to be murdered at birth, just like Moses. Both of their very lives stood in defiance of an empire. Moses recorded the law and Jesus unlocked its secrets. Moses called down manna from heaven when people needed food. Jesus miraculously fed thousands who came to hear him. While Moses guided people to the Promised Land, Jesus spoke of bringing the Kingdom of Heaven to earth.

To those lining the road, Jesus was the reincarnation of their greatest prophet.

National pride always ran high on Passover week. The Passover marked the last and greatest of the plagues – the death of each firstborn son that came to every family that dismissed God as irrelevant. It was a reminder that they were a chosen people and no nation was stronger than the God who defended them.

The Passover celebration was centered in Jerusalem. David established his throne in that same city after he conquered the ungodly inhabitants through an impossible victory. His reign was the greatest period in Jewish history. No one could stand against their armies, riches were pouring into the kingdom, and their ruler was a man after God’s own heart.

Jesus rode into town as the next David. He was a direct descendant with the same, royal blood flowing through his veins. Too many generations had passed without a true heir ascending to the throne, and the crowds wanted to crown this son of David, restoring God’s rule to a nation.

While David had been a shepherd in his youth, Jesus evoked comparisons by proclaiming that he was the Good Shepherd. David designed the temple and Jesus restored his vision, sweeping away the corruption that had settled into it. David faced down the giant who mocked them, and Jesus stood up to the Pharisees who condemned them.

Everyone singing “Hosanna! Blessed is the king of Israel!” expected that Jesus was David, come to restore the Holy Land.

Jesus would be an unstoppable leader. He had a legitimate claim to the throne. Crowds followed him, listening to every word he spoke. He could command armies, delivering miraculous victories and even raising any fallen heroes from the dead. The day of the Messiah had come.

Jesus was all of those things, but his ambitions were not. Instead of seeking to know him, the crowds placed their expectations upon him. Their disappointment was imminent as they tried to control their deliverer. In less than a week, their rising star would be crucified and their dreams shattered.

So much has changed over two thousand years, but not the human heart.

My prayers often reflect the thoughts of the people at that Passover. Give us a miracle, deliver me from evil, restore us to greatness. I pray for him to grant my wishes instead of asking him to reveal the Father’s love. If I embrace my vision of who he should be, I will see his death where I should witness my deliverance.

This week, I need to learn from the tale of the people at Passover. Am I placing expectations on my Savior, or listening to what he has to say? Am I asking him to deliver me from my situation, or placing my trust in whatever he brings? Will I accept what he offers, or ask for something better?

Father, prepare my heart.