Mar 14, 2020 | 3 comments

Be still or prep?

Written by Jimmy McAfee

The past few days have been crazy. COVID-19, the Coronavirus, has taken over the country. Current confirmed cases stand at 2,345, or .0007% of us, with an apparent exponential growth curve.

There is no real way to know what havoc the disease will wreak, but the early response from the healthy folks has been chaotic. Toilet paper disappeared first and everything from dry foods to bottled water is in short supply. The government has all but shut our borders down, and companies everywhere sending their employees out of the office to work from home.

How should I respond? Prep or be still?

Joseph was the ultimate prepper. God appointed him to prepare for an upcoming drought of disastrous proportions. As God’s spirit rested on him, Joseph immediately imposed a 20% tax on all agriculture (Gen 41:34-38), then as the crisis continued, he assumed government control of all the money, livestock, and land in the entire country before imposing a mandatory relocation of all people from their homes into the cities (Gen 47:14-21).

It is hard to imagine a response like that, but it was God’s will for Joseph to take quick, decisive action to prepare.

On the other hand, Elijah did absolutely nothing in response to the same situation. When God withheld all rain and dew for three and a half years, Elijah was directed to live by a stream and await birds to bring each meal to him (1 Kings 17:1-4). When the stream eventually ran dry, he moved in with a widow who had nothing to eat but a handful of flour and a bit of oil. God provided only what was needed for him and her household.

Elijah embodied the psalm, “Be still and know that I am God.” (Psa 46:10)

No drought is facing us today, but according to models run by the Center for Disease Control, this plague could claim the lives of as many as one million people in this country over the coming year. With grocery shelves emptying and panic setting in, should I be still or prep?

I’m not doing either.

I’m going to follow the common theme between Joseph and Elijah. Both were able to respond with clarity because they each listened carefully. Although God’s instruction was radically different in the two situations, their obedience to the message was the same.

Before I do anything, I will wait and listen.

He has told me that he will provide for me (Phil 4:19). He has promised that if I call him then he will answer (Jer 33:3). In this time, he is testing whether or not his voice is the most important thing to me. If I place it above the certainty of a full pantry or even my own health, my reward will come.

I have already been blessed. I am reminded that I am part of a community of hope carriers. Amidst speculation of doom, we speak of the one who is in control. While the whole world goes crazy, we pray for peace.

As a tiny virus separates us, may a big God bring us together.

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Amen to that Jimmy! This whole ordeal is just surreal. Certainly not worried about myself or my grown son but I’m certainly a little concerned for my 75 yr old mother. With that being said, she is Christ follower and in good health so I’m not that concerned. Nothing in my life is going to change other than being vigilant with using sanitizer and not spreading my own germs as well as can be expected.
Thank you for sharing Jimmy. See you Tuesday…

Good word, Jimmy.

A couple years ago my wife and I memorized Psalm 91. It sure seems appropriate to these times, as it speaks of God surely protecting us from pestilence and plague. It is clear that the key is where we choose to dwell.

Good word as usual Jimmy. I for one am for turning the TV off and turning instead to the scriptures, the real answers are found there and not in the news where they are succeeding in creating widespread panic.

[…] has been two weeks since my last post, “Be Still or Prep?” I was true to my word, waiting and listening. The more that I saw people rushing frantically, […]

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