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Which side are you on?

It is becoming clear that the COVID-19 pandemic is going to be with us a lot longer than anyone originally anticipated. In some way, it has touched every life.

In the United States, the latest reports indicate 1,350,000 infections and 80,000 deaths, with the totals still climbing. The April jobs reports tell us that over 20,000,000 Americans became unemployed in that single month alone, not counting partially furloughed people or small business owners.

Navigating through this mess is an impossible task. Using social media as a barometer of our temperament, it doesn’t seem that much of anyone is satisfied. There are angry rants about the human costs of isolation and demanding that we should open back up. There is an equal number of people criticizing the heartless pursuit of money while our neighbors continue to die. Video after video is pulled down from Facebook and YouTube because the sources are deemed maliciously false. Traditional news outlets receive the same assessment.

I have grown weary of the search for answers, mostly because the avid pursuers haven’t seemed to find joy or effectiveness in their pursuit. Right and wrong are complicated. In the end, only God knows or understands.

I had a great lunch at Red Robin on Friday with a friend of mine. He acknowledged that his “risk category” was high enough to be a cause for consideration. He also acknowledged that his employment in a brutalized industry made his job as tenuous as his health. He was excited though that he and his wife and been able to pull money from their savings to donate to a favorite cause and help their neighbors in need. He was a refreshing reminder that we have a cause, and it is higher than choosing a side.

In the book of Joshua, the Israelites were beginning their invasion of Canaan. Called by God to claim their birthright, they were conquering cities and killing all the inhabitants. Just like today, everyone who lived in the region must have been discussing the issue and choosing sides. Were they bloodthirsty savages or followers of the true God who was guiding their actions? Both arguments were compelling. Nobody was safe. Living in lockdown may result in becoming a victim. Boldly moving forward may have an equally devastating result.

As Joshua marched to do battle against the city of Jericho, he looked up and saw a powerful angel in front of him, sword drawn and ready for battle. Joshua challenged him, “Are you for us or for our enemies?” The commander of God’s army shook his head and said “Neither.” Then he instructed Joshua what to do next.

This angel was uninterested in the arguments that either side could make about the justification for their actions. He didn’t care to know “the truth” or even to project the outcome. The most powerful man on the field was the one who stood ready to serve the Lord, guiding His army to certain victory. All he needed to know was God’s instruction, which he would immediately carry out. He answered to a higher calling than kings or generals.

While I relaxed in my favorite recliner, slowly digesting my Royal Red Robin Burger and bottomless fries, I realized that my friend was a reflection of that angel. He is uninterested in choosing sides in the biggest conflict of our times. However, he stands armed with the weapon God gave to him and only cares about using it to honor the Lord. Aligned with no agenda other than God’s will, he is the most powerful player on the field.

The Bible never gives us the name of the angel in the brief story (Joshua 5:13-15). I am not going to reveal the name of my friend. Neither would want the recognition. Both are only interested that God’s will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

I am trying to learn to let go of my judgment of whether or not other people are making the best decisions. Instead, I hope to stand with my sword in my hand, ready for battle, focused on what I am asked to do, and complete that task with excellence. Part of no longer belonging to this world requires letting go of the circumstances and pursuing things that are eternal.

Life would have been much different for the Canaanites if they had let go of their thoughts about if the Israelites were right or wrong, justified or guilty. Every side they chose met with the same fate. It didn’t matter if they ignored the threat, banded together, sought peace, or attacked alone, they all died and disappeared. Imagine for a moment if they had instead turned their focus to God, thrown out their idols, repented of their sins, and pursued a relationship with Him. If Balak had embraced the prophecies of Balaam instead of insisting on curses against the Israelites, how great might the Moabites’ reward have been? Instead, they guarded what they had and were swept up in the destruction.

The Canaanite nations foolishly faced each other and debated the best course of action when they should have lifted their eyes to God. What if they had sent a group of delegates to ask Joshua to teach them about the powerful God who had performed so many miracles? That was their only path of rescue.

Many people today are looking to God for answers. Their hearts are open to eternal truths. Let us focus on their salvation, not our escape from the flames. That is the side we should choose.

Jimmy McAfee

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  • So true! I see so many people everyday looking to God for answers. Their hearts are open to eternal truths. I choose to focus on their salvation, not my escape from the flames. That is the side I choose. Jimmy you give great timely insights of the heart and mind, with a Christ-Centered message.
    Thank You!!

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