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Why did you stop?

In my new season, I am searching for what God has planned for me. I have done everything I can to get ready for this next chapter. I have burned the things that should not be carried forward, prayed for direction, and been vigilant for what is going on around me. So far, no inspiration.

I have a friend who is going through some crazy times at work. He is uncertain about the future of his position, his career, and what God has planned for him. He is also praying for direction but has gotten the same response as me. We have been processing through the confusion together, and God laid a strange little mini-story from the Bible on my heart as an answer for us both.

In 2 Kings 13:14-19, Jehoash was the king of Israel. He was losing a war with the Syrians and his military had been reduced to shambles. The army of Israel that had controlled the entire region under King Solomon was down to 50 horsemen and 10 chariots. The situation was desperate, so the king sought out the mighty prophet Elisha and asked him what he should do.

Elisha told him to open the east window and shoot an arrow through it. He said that was the Lord’s arrow of victory. Then he told Jehoash to take his arrows and strike the ground with them.

King Jehoash must have been confused by this cryptic answer to his question, but he obediently struck the ground with his arrows. He probably looked back at Elisha afterward, who raised his eyebrows as if waiting for more. So Jehoash struck the ground again, and I expect he looked at Elisha again, who sat there expressionless. Jehoash lifted his arrows a third time and struck the ground. When Elisha said nothing, he set them down.

Elisha asked the king why he had stopped. He explained that each time Jehoash struck the ground the Lord would grant him a victory in battle. Since he had stopped at three, he would only win three times. He told him that if he had remained faithful to his instruction, the enemy would have been completely destroyed.

Over and over, the Bible says that God set each of us apart before we were born to achieve specific things. These aren’t references to generic stuff like “follow the Ten Commandments”, or “love your neighbor”. They are tasks that we were uniquely created to perform. When the time is right, he reveals those things to us.

Achieving these goals requires us to understand exactly what they are, so I have spent a lot of time putting the calling on my life into words, If I am to stay focused on what he has anointed me to do, it must be carefully defined.

My blog has always had my calling shared on it as a reminder to me what I have been called to do. You’ve probably seen it, even if you didn’t notice it.

While I am in my new season, searching for what God has planned for me next, I am reminded that he has already given me a job to do. The task in my calling has not been finished yet, so why am I asking what he wants me to do?

I will keep beating my arrows on the floor until He tells me to stop.

Like King Jehoash, after I write a post (or strike the ground in his case), I look at God as if to ask “Now what?”. Just like Jehoash, no answer comes, because I haven’t finished yet. I don’t need a new direction, I need to remain faithful to my instruction.

That is the same advice I gave to my friend whose job is in a period of uncertainty. He is confident in the calling that God has placed on him, so I encouraged him to put it into specific words and speak those words out loud every time he asks “Now what?”

God has a special calling for you too. If you don’t believe he is personally involved in your life, that is OK. Focus on seeing his blessings that surround you, each one a special gift from a Father who loves his child. A relationship with him is more important than the work anyway.

If you have a calling, but it is fuzzy, then I encourage you to spend time prayerfully defining it. Knowing that you are authorized by the King of kings is powerful. Identify the boundaries of that authority so that you can faithfully follow him.

I know that posting intimate details is hard. It is also powerful. By speaking it out loud, you will be strengthened. As your friend, I want to offer my support to you in your task. By sharing it with others, you will encourage them.

Goodness arises from obedience, and greatness is born from continuing faithfulness.

Let’s beat our arrows!

Jimmy McAfee

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