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Make A Joyful Noise

I’ve been working on my next post for the past two weeks. I wanted to share God’s message of love, peace, and hope with the world. After several drafts that really fizzled, I’ve kept looking for something just right. I wanted something better. I wanted something big.

I imagined the post going viral, igniting passion in millions of people as they read it.   But the harder I tried to find the perfect thing, the more elusive it became. Why wouldn’t the quintessential words come to me?
I have talked to other people who believe they have the next great idea in serving others. They have big dreams of taking away pain, ending hunger, or eliminating poverty. They imagine God using them to change the world. They become confused when others don’t get as excited as they are.
All of this may seem farfetched to you, but we all do the same thing in one way or another. Have you ever imagined how you would do things differently as the next Mega-Millions winner, then wondered why you don’t get the chance?
Our dreams seem noble, but the outcomes can be disappointing.
While waiting for inspiration I prayed, “God, what do you want me to do?”
The answer that came back to me was Psalm 100:1a, KJV.
Make a joyful noise unto the Lord

It’s a funny verse, written by King David. He was an accomplished harpist and wrote over seventy songs in the book of Psalms. He danced with all his might in front of a nation. He commissioned 288 men to serve as the Temple Musicians. 

With the enormous vision, passion, and talent he possessed and with nearly infinite resources at his disposal, King David didn’t say to compose beautiful music and perform it to perfection. Why would he say to make a noise?
Noise isn’t something you make for other people. Noises just happen when you open your mouth and decide to make a sound. But when your heart is full, the sound is a joyful noise.
I don’t think that David ever sat down to author a chapter in the book of Psalms. One day at a time, his heart overflowed with the goodness of God and when he began to write, his joyful noise simply poured out. In the second verse of Psalm 100 he wrote: “Serve the Lord with gladness; come before Him with joyful songs.” David played for an Audience of One.
The reason for my frustration finding the perfect topic had been staring me in the face all along. I was focused on performing for a large audience when God asked me to make a joyful noise just for him.
I find peace sitting in my recliner and composing these posts. I love to re-read them and make subtle changes. It takes hours and frequently moves me to tears as I feel a connection with him. When I have finally captured the words that express my feelings, my heart overflows with joy when I hit the “Publish” button.
I get the same feeling again when I sit alone, reading back through old posts, remembering each special moment that I shared with him.
Making Waves is a collection of the joyful noises that I have made unto the Lord. Each post is an outpouring of my heart. It is enough that I can sing for him alone.  Maybe one day God will use them as a prophecy to the nations. Maybe not. I shouldn’t even care.
God created beauty throughout the universe. There are billions of galaxies, each with billions of stars and countless planets in our nighttime sky. It is impossible to imagine everything that exists beyond our grasp. The wonders appear and disappear without anyone else ever knowing they existed. But their beauty is their song, and they sing for their Creator.
You have a song, too. It is more than singing in church or alone in your car. You have a special voice that God designed into you.
Maybe your song is prayer, singing, writing, serving, giving, or something else. It is a personal way that you can express your appreciation to a father who loves you. It is a way that you can connect with him and bind your heart to his.
If you haven’t found your joyful noise yet, that’s OK. Set aside time to focus on everything that God has done for you, then open your mouth and decide to make a sound.
Jimmy McAfee

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  • Jimmy - I love these posts. You are truly gifted!!! The post here made me think of the song I listened to this morning as I was walking on the treadmill. "Only Jesus" - I don't care if they remember me, Only Jesus!!! So true yet we get so caught up in the audience of the world vs the one who really matters - Jesus. Thanks for this post!!!

  • Graham’s coach used to say that Graham ran for an audience of one. There is joy in just offering up your efforts to just Him. Giving what you have just to please Him. I agree with you. You write whatever is in your heart and let God be the one who decides who it will reach.

  • Jimmy,

    Thank you for your faithfulness in leaning in to what He has for you and those you share with.

    “But when your heart is full, the sound is a joyful noise” -so true

    “It is a way you can connect with Him and bind your heart to His”

    His Heart to our Heart His loves sweet embrace,

    Make a joyful noise unto the Lord
    For He's worthy to be praised
    Sing with your spirit
    Clap with your hands
    With a full heart of love, move with His purpose with thankfulness
    Our God is greatly to praised
    Worthy, worthy
    He's worthy to be praised

    It is all about Him, and growing His kingdom beacause that is what matters.

    Joyful noise of praise

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