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The Key

Beep! Beep! Beep!

The coffee maker’s alarm awakened Simon, who stretched and rolled out of bed. In the kitchen, he grabbed his coffee mug with one hand and the pot’s handle with the other. He reflexively
listened to the rising pitch of the pouring liquid as it filled his cup. He walked to his favorite chair, settled into the embracing cushions, breathed in the steamy aroma, and enjoyed his first, hot sip of the day.
He picked up his daily devotional and read through the familiar verses looking for fresh insights. He reflected quietly for a few moments, thinking about how this could affect him and his friends, then picked up his phone.
Simon posted the day’s comfort verse and an accompanying thought before looking back at his last message. Two thumbs up, one heart, and no comments. He wondered if anyone had even paid attention, or if they had just clicked and scrolled.
The chirp of an incoming message shook him from his thoughts, and he opened his email. It was from his serving team leader, reminding him that he had signed up to serve this weekend.
Simon loved to serve with his team. He believed in their ministry and enjoyed the time spent with the friends he had made there. His leader did a great job, and he looked forward to joining them.
At the same time, he wondered about the impact he was having there. He never heard much feedback from the people they served. Were his efforts affecting a long-term change? Were lives being changed through his sacrifice?
Simon set his phone down and sighed. For all of his efforts, what impact was he having?
“It’s tough, isn’t it?”
Startled, Simon looked up to see Jesus sitting in the chair next to him. Not knowing how to respond, he nodded his head. Jesus continued.
“I left paradise to become a carpenter in a dusty, small village. Then I left the meager comforts of that life to wander from place to place, teaching whatever God asked me to share. I was effectively homeless.
“I performed miracles greater than any ever seen before crowds that grew increasingly larger. Instead of understanding who I was, many were coming to see a show. Some just wanted a free sandwich. I had to send away some of the very people I wanted to reach.
“I poured wisdom, truth, and life into the twelve disciples who traveled with me while they argued about seat assignments. Often as I was making a key point, they weren’t fully focused. There were times when I wanted to say ‘You guys think you ought to be writing some of this down?’
“Still, I loved every one of them, including those of you who weren’t even born yet.
“When the time came for me to pay for your sins, I pleaded with the Father to find another way. The physical pain would exceed comprehension, but worse, it would mean being separated from my Father for the first time in all of time. I didn’t want to do it and asked for any way out.
“But when there was no other way, I chose all of you. I endured the worst so that you could have the best.
“That selfless act of perfect love was the key that unlocked the meaning of every miracle and every spoken truth. As that love was recognized, gospels were written, churches were built, and lives were transformed. My earlier actions had laid the foundation, but their full impact wasn’t realized until the magnitude of my love was revealed.
“Which brings me back to you. The same key will unlock the impact you are hoping for.

“Simon, do you love them?”

Simon answered quickly. “Jesus, you know that I do.”
Jesus paused for a long moment and said “Do you visit them when they are sick or buy them presents for their birthdays? Do you send them simple notes explaining why they are special to you? Have you made a major sacrifice or taken their punishment hoping only for their happiness? Do you ache to know them better?
“Simon, do you love them?”
Simon sat silently, staring at the floor. He was ashamed.
Jesus spoke again. “Look at me. I love you and am proud of you. Receive my love and share it.
“Simon, do you love them?”

Simon closed his eyes to process the question and when he opened them the next chair was empty again. His thoughts drifted to the individuals he had shared verses with and to the people he had served. He wanted the best for each of them, but had he loved them?

It was so many people. How could any answer address all those individuals, each with their own stories? Was there some approach he should be using? Each person was so unique that he couldn’t think of any common way to connect with them all.

His phone shook him from his thoughts as it announced another incoming notification. It was a new thumbs-up on his post from a few minutes ago. He looked closely at the man’s name who had responded. He thought carefully about that one person. Did he love him?

Before putting his phone down, Simon replied back, inviting his social-media friend over for dinner. He would find the answer to Jesus’ question.

One person at a time.

Frequently, I reflect on those simple words. Love your neighbor as yourself. Sometimes I do well, and other times I don’t. Occasionally, I wrestle to understand what it means to love them. May God continue to reveal to me his perfect love, so that it can flow through me into the lives of others. And with you.
     – Jimmy 

Jimmy McAfee

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  • Jimmy

    This was very heart warming!!! It reminds me of a message that Pastor John gave a while back. He was talking about how we are always so worried about what other people can offer "us" in terms of being our friend. But what have we offered them?? We should always go into a relationship with a heart of "What do I have to offer them even if they give me nothing in return". That message speaks to me often.


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