May 2, 2014 | 0 comments

The Prophet

Written by Jimmy McAfee

To my son, James.

God gives us glimpses of things that are to come for many reasons. As parents, one of those reasons is so that we can speak these truths over our children so they can recognize and achieve the plans He has for them. This is my revelation.

The room was  large and crowded, but it was quiet. An air of eager anticipation was shared. When James walked in, all eyes moved to him. A big man, his physical presence got attention. But these people had not come to see him. It was his message they awaited.

From the easy way he entered, the manner he casually situated himself in their front and center, it was clear that James had done this many times before. His reputation preceded him as a man carefully prepared, nothing had been unplanned. He came today to offer them a revelation. There would be no call to follow him, no agenda of action that must be achieved. Everyone here had come to learn the truth.

As James stood facing the room, he looked out at the individual faces studying them – their age, current emotions, etc – intending to know their dreams. All of this accounted for, he adjusted his message accordingly for maximum effect. With a deep breath, he began to speak.

James – I don’t know what any of this means. I don’t know the path He has planned for you. I believe in the vision, what there is of it.

I will remove every barrier, support every cause, and pray without ceasing that it comes to pass.

Being a parent is a strange thing. You want the best for your children but aren’t given a revelation of what that is. You want to prepare them, but you don’t know their calling.

This much we know:

  • Love God
  • Follow his commands
  • Walk in faith without fear
  • Seek relationship with him.
  • Train  yourself for the work that comes so that you will be ready.
…and I guess that’s enough.
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